
9 Surprising Health Benefits of Dried Apricots

Posted On: 2022-03-17 07:58 AM

9 Surprising Health Benefits of Dried Apricots

An overview on Apricots


It is said that the fruit originated in China and was brought to the US by Spanish explorers in the 1700s. Apricots are small, but they pack a punch in terms of flavor and nutrition. There are many varieties of apricots to enjoy, but two of the most popular are Blenheim and Tilton.


Apricots Advantages: How to choose and enjoy eating them?


When you look at the apricots for sale, choose ones with even coloring in dark golden orange or reddish-orange tone. Yellow-orange fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, with flavors ranging from sweet to sweet-tart, depending on the variety. The flesh of apricot is soft and somewhat juicy when it is ripe, and the skin is velvety and has soft hairs.

Underripe apricots have a pale yellow or yellow-green color and have little flavor. Try not to select overripe apricots. They easily wrinkle and will end up mashed during transportation.

Each culture treats apricots differently, so there are many ways to enjoy them, including eating them by hand. Adding them to recipes as a garnish or incorporating them into a variety of dishes is also an option. Additionally, they can also be used in making juice, jam, squash, and jellies.


The amazing health advantages of Apricots


Apricots have many health benefits for humans, such as enhancing the health of the heart, liver, eyes, and digestive system.

The goodness of these delightful fruits does not stop there; they also make a delightful addition to your diet. Among their diverse qualities is their versatility. They can be preserved or prepared in numerous ways or eaten fresh.

Apricot benefits: how many should I eat daily?

Apricots are not recommended as a daily dose, but a standard serving is about eight halves to count as one of your five a day; you should vary your servings to avoid bloating your stomach.


How do apricots work wonders on the human body?


Apricots are full of health advantages.  Here are some of the health benefits of Dried Apricots:

Antioxidants Are Found in abundance in apricots:

Apricots boost the immune system as they contain essential vitamins, such as Vitamins A, B, and C, as well as beta carotene minerals, which are helpful for bone and skin health.

Furthermore, they contain flavonoids, which are polyphenol antioxidants known to combat chronic heart diseases and other illnesses.


Fiber-rich Apricots promote gut health:


Fiber (0.7g per fruit and 3.3g per cup) in apricots contributes to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels. The fiber in apricots breaks down the fatty acids that cause constipation and bloating in the gut.

In addition to aiding digestion, soluble fiber stimulates gastric acid, which aids in food digestion. In addition to aiding digestion, soluble fiber stimulates gastric acid, which aids in food digestion. In addition to making stool bulkier, apricot fiber makes it easier for it to pass through the digestive tract, resulting in regular bowel movements. Appropriates are sometimes recommended as natural laxatives because of this reason.


Apricots are good for the heart:


Apricots are high in fiber, vitamin C, and potassium, all of which are beneficial to heart health and the prevention of heart attacks and strokes.

While Vitamin C's antioxidant properties protect the heart, fiber works with them to break down cholesterol, relieving pressure on clogged arteries. Researchers have found that potassium can lower blood pressure by reducing tension in arteries and veins.


Having some apricots on hand to supplement your daily water intake might be a good option if you dislike drinking it regularly. Apricots are naturally high in water, so they are regarded as hydrating fruits. Staying hydrated allows your body to eliminate waste products more quickly, keeping you healthier overall.

The use of both fresh and steamed apricots as a natural remedy for reducing fever has been around for centuries. This fruit contains a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. A nutrient-rich combination like this has a detoxifying effect on those with mild fevers.


Aids in preventing anemia:


Anemia or iron deficiency may cause fatigue, weakness, digestive issues, s well as lightheadedness. This is due to a lack of red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout the body.

Iron-rich dried apricots can help alleviate this condition as iron has an important role to play in red blood cell formation.

A 100g serving of dried apricots contains 1mg of vitamin C and 2.66mg of iron. When consumed together, these two nutrients contribute to increased iron absorption, which is vital to preventing anemia.


Apricots promote healthy skin:


Antioxidants such as vitamin E and vitamin C have been shown to improve the appearance of the skin. They can protect the skin from UV radiation, reduce the appearance of early wrinkles, and improve skin elasticity. An additional antioxidant that protects your skin against sunburns is beta-carotene.


Apricots Benefit Liver Health:


Although more research is needed, the high levels of antioxidants found in apricots may aid in the prevention of liver damage caused by alcohol. Apricots reduce oxidative stress and, consequently, liver inflammation by preventing oxidative stress. Furthermore, apricots may promote liver cell regeneration and aid in the breakdown of fatty deposits.


Apricots are good for your eyes:


Research suggests that apricots can aid in reducing the risk of vision loss when consumed regularly. Vitamin A and Vitamin E are powerful antioxidants that protect our retinas from free radical damage. Taking Vitamin A (sometimes called retinol) can also help prevent night blindness, a condition caused by a lack of light pigments in the eye.


Apricots cut down the risk of Diabetes:


Apricots are a delicious summer fruit that is a great addition to your diabetes diet. Dried apricots contain far more nutrients than fresh apricots.

It is safe and desirable, lowers glucose concentrations, and lowers the risk of diabetes complications. This fruit is also high in potassium, which is beneficial to diabetics.


Conclusion: Apricots, like most fruits, are high in vitamins and minerals and make an excellent addition to a healthy diet. The effects of eating apricots vary from person to person, but they're still a healthy snack worth considering. Apricot by-products have been used widely to develop foods that are more functional and cost-efficient.