
A Story of Pickles - What Can the Pickles Do for Your Appetite?

Posted On: 2021-12-21 10:01 AM

A Story of Pickles - What Can the Pickles Do for Your Appetite?

A Story of Pickles - What Can the Pickles Do for Your Appetite?


Pickles have been a staple of Indian cuisine for centuries and continue to be a favorite condiment among Indians around the globe. The acidic punch of pickles clears the palate and adds a bit of drama and complexity to any dish without much effort. Pickle-making in homes, however, has declined because of changing circumstances and today's fast-paced lives.


Many pickle manufacturers have picked up this tradition and have re-created and preserved the exotic, authentic flavors of our childhood to make sure that people all over the country and some even abroad, can retrace their childhood memories and taste the delicious flavor of their childhood in every meal.


In general, there are three types of pickles; those preserved in vinegar, those preserved in brine and those preserved in oil. Most Indian pickle brands use a variety of flavored oils for preservation, with different kinds of aromatic and aromatic oils being used. The type of oil used varies according to region, for example, mustard oil is a popular medium in the Northern region, while sesame oil is preferred in the Southern region.


There is a strong belief in Indian cuisine that almost any food can be preserved through pickling, from fruits to vegetables to berries, leaves to meats. In India, a wide variety of pickle flavors are popular, including thin-skinned limes, green chillies, ginger, carrots, gooseberries (amla), and many others.


India has it all when it comes to pickles, from the world-famous mango pickle to lemon pickle, chilly and ginger pickle, vegetable pickles, jackfruit pickle, and garlic pickle, to mention a few. In fact, in different parts of India, practically every sort of vegetable is pickled.


Non-vegetarian pickles, on the other hand, are less common across except in South India, where non-vegetarian pickles are quite popular, and dinner without them is considered incomplete in houses where meat is consumed.


The most popular pickles in India are:

  • Mango
  • Tamarind
  • Lemon
  • Carrot
  • Prawns
  • Chicken
  • Cauliflower
  • Garlic
  • Mutton
  • Ginger
  • Tomato
  • Amla
  • Carrot


Interestingly, pickles have several health benefits such as:


  1. Probiotics: Food pickling is a fermentation procedure. The technique encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria by combining fruits and vegetables with sugar, salt, herbs, and oil (probiotics). These beneficial bacteria aid in the preservation of fermented foods, hence increasing the probiotic bacteria in the stomach when consumed. They can boost the probiotic value of any meal when eaten with it.


  1. Nervousness: Pickles and other fermented foods were found to lower anxiety, neuroticism (mental disease), and social phobia symptoms.


  1. Blood pressure readings: In most pickling recipes, salt (sodium) makes up more than 5% of the total. Increased salt intake can predispose to hypertension by promoting water retention, which is well-known. As a result, it must be consumed in moderation.


  1. Diabetes: Pickles containing vinegar were discovered to help diabetics increase their hemoglobin and blood sugar levels. The presence of acetic acid has been linked to this protective effect (control the blood sugar).


  1. Digestive system: Pickles have traditionally been served as an appetizer (to stimulate appetite) before meals. The digestive advantages are mostly attributed to the amla and gooseberry pickles.


  1. Pregnancy: In the first trimester, nausea and vomiting are common complaints among pregnant women. This food's acidic and sour flavor helps to ease this sensation while also increasing appetite.


To explore more, please visit, the One Stop Shop for all varieties of pickles by just clicking this link.