As a seller, your primary objective is to maximize the sales of your products without spending any unnecessary time or money. We have designed specifically with this golden rule in mind. With all the automation we have built into our platform, buying and selling is a breeze!
Register in as Little as 3 Minutes
Simply click on the New Seller link on our homepage, provide us details of your business such as name, address, contact persons and employees and start selling. The entire registration process is online, eliminating the need for printing or even a computer. Your signed seller agreement will be emailed to you instantly after registration. An FSSAI number is mandatory for registration.
No Registration or Listing Fees
We do not charge any fee for registration or for listing your products; no matter if you are listing one product or a hundred products, listing on is always free.
Pay Only When You Sell
You pay for every product that is sold through; our policy is simple – if you do not sell, you do not pay anything!
Get Payments Within a Week
Your payments automatically get credited into your bank account within 7 days of an order so you have money in your hand when you need it.
Manage Your Discounts and Prices
On, you can set up any type of discount you can think of – product discount, cart discount, additional discount, buy one, get one just to give you an idea. Each discount can be set on an individual product, group of products or a category of products for a specific period of time. We are sure no other site allows you to set the kinds of discounts that we do.
One Click Logistic Support
We provide you with complete backend logistic support; you will be notified of an order by email and SMS and once you are ready to ship, we will automatically generate the shipping label, transit invoice and other documentation required by the courier company. Your package will be picked up by the courier company from your premises and will be delivered to the customer.
Payment Gateway At No Charge
You do not have to worry about credit card processing or net banking or e-wallet set up. We have built all this into our platform to enable fast and easy checkout. The best part is that you do not incur any credit card processing fee.
No Shipping Charges
As a seller, we do not expect you to pay shipping charges for any item in an order. You can rest assured that you will get full payment as per the agreed upon terms.
Multilingual Platform
When you list your products on, you get a wider audience; studies have shown that Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities are beginning to get on the e-commerce bandwagon. While English is generally, the preferred language on almost all sites, we have the entire site in English and Hindi which makes it easier for non-English speaking individuals to shop.
Unmatched Brand Recall has a high brand recall value that few other platforms have; this catchy name of ours will ensure that customers remember and buy from it rather than going to any other site. Moreover, with the specific category of sweets and snacks, the brand will be etched in everyone’s memory.
There are no hidden charges whatsoever for selling on
You will not pay anything:
for registering as a seller
for uploading and managing your product listings, without any limit on the number of products
for using our backend system and dashboard
for downloading and using our Seller App
You will only pay a small convenience fee for every order that you receive into our system; It cannot get any better than this, can it?
Registration as a seller on is easy! All you have to do is to click the 'New Seller?' link on the top right hand of the menu and fill in some basic information about your business. You will get an OTP on the mobile number that you provided and you will be required to enter this to continue. Once your mobile number is verified, you will continue your with registration process and will receive an SMS confirming the receipt of your registration information. You will then receive your username and password to be able to access the backend dashboard to manage your products, orders and add other members of your team into the system. has made it easy for sellers by also providing an easy to use Seller App that you could download on your smartphone and manage your products and orders without having to buy or use expensive computer equipment. If you have not yet registered as a seller, please do so now, it is completely free!
Registration as a seller on is easy! All you have to do is to click the 'New Seller?' link on the top right hand of the menu and fill in some basic information about your business. You will get an OTP on the mobile number that you provided and you will be required to enter this to continue. Once your mobile number is verified, you will continue your with registration process and will receive an SMS confirming the receipt of your registration information. You will then receive your username and password to be able to access the backend dashboard to manage your products, orders and add other members of your team into the system. has made it easy for sellers by also providing an easy to use Seller App that you could download on your smartphone and manage your products and orders without having to buy or use expensive computer equipment. If you have not yet registered as a seller, please do so now, it is completely free!
We are soon going to enable managing your products and orders using our seller app on your smart phone. You will not need a computer or an inkjet or laser printer to sell on In fact, you do not need anything else other than your smartphone and a cheap 3" thermal printer (that you see at POS) for printing invoices and declarations legally required to ship through courier companies. Our processes are fully automated that you can handle everything using your smartphone. So, while others may expect you to buy costly equipment or use specialized services to get images of your products, we confidently say that you are smart enough to do everything using your smartphone!
At, we do not believe in forcing our sellers to set specific prices or offer discounts; each seller is free to set his/her own price or offer discount according to his/her convenience and affordability. We do expect that sellers will not offer their products on our marketplace at a price that is higher than what they would normally offer at their physical store or place of business. Discounts are available to sellers to individually activate or deactivate at any time. Invoices will clearly indicate the discounts applied so there is no confusion whatsoever. After all, the reason a seller lists products is to increase his business, not to increase the market capitalization of the online marketplace!
As a seller, will not only provide you access to its marketplace, backend dashboard and seller application, but will also fully support you in your order fulfillment also:
We will:
Automatically notify you when a new order is placed or if an order is modified
Provide back-end payment gateway facilities, including credit/debit card processing, online banking and cash-on-delivery
Generate invoices, seller declaration and customer declaration
Send email and SMS confirmation messages to customer with periodic order status
Provide courier shipping at negotiated rates
Generate shipping labels and arrange pickup
Provide you with a statement of accounts pertaining to your sales
We are committed to making you succeed; our system and processes are totally automated so you can concentrate on doing what you do best - increasing your sales and making customers happy!
“Meet the ‘Mirchi lady’ helping small sweet and snack sellers make an income through her ecommerce platform”
“An empty nest can make parents feel gutted, especially a stay-at-home mother who has been devoting herself to family. ”
“A startup that harnesses homemakers' talent ”
“This Indian homemaker is helping local snacks go places ”
“Foodie couple and an online biz delivering sweets, snacks fresh to the door ”